Wednesday 11 November 2015


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

!!??&!(*@&*!. STOP. Is cursing the best way to let out your anger? Be patient. Zikr. Astaghfirullah. Patience is a part of Iman.

There must be once in our life when we felt like we wanna die. We felt like we couldn't face it anymore. We felt like there's no way to escape but die. Then we ask,why Allah put me in this situation? Why me? Doesn't he loves me? He's not fair! Astaghfirullah. Be patient, dear. Allah's with you. 

 Life might not be going the way you want, but trust me. It's way better than what you actually want. Why? Because Allah had arrange it perfectly.

It needs practises to gain patience. If you're a type who curse a lot. CHANGE. Cursing will only add sins to your account. Change it to zikr. Say the praises to Allah. Ask Allah to ease your situation. He's The BEST Listener. Try.

If you still can't get rid your anger, take wudhu'. Ablutions will gives you 'nur' in Akhirah. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W will recognise us as his ummah since our face is lighten up by nur.

Learn to be patient. Be kind to all. Love all hate none. Bye :)

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