Tuesday 10 November 2015


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

FRIENDS. They are the ones who are with us during our ups and downs. All of us have friends. Why do we need them? Why should we treat them nicely? Cause Allah had chose them to accompany us. How bad they are, we shoud appreciate. They are the chosen one. 

 Truthfully, to me friends are like the one stated in the photo below.

 Love your friends as much as you can. We might have thousands of friends but only one of them is the real one. Sometimes we might fight we our friend. Maybe caused by a small conflict. Its good to apologise first even if it's not your fault.

 You have no right to talk bad things about your friends. Always remember that they're reflections of yourself. If you noticed they're wrongdoings, advice them and take a look a yourself. Maybe they were affected by you.

Appreciate them. They come once in life. Be a good friend to a good friend. Ukhuwah Fillah! 

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