Wednesday 11 November 2015


Assalamualikum, Peace be upon you.

Any bookworms here? I am. Ceyyyy. Not really. I hate books truthfully. I love gaining knowledge by hearing lectures. Everyone with their own education style. 

So today I wanted to continue the #Henshin steps. Based on the title I guess you guys know what i'm going to talk about. Yupp. Al-Quran.

p/s: the photo above is the rainbow Al-Quran. It's designed for girls. You can get it at bookshop like Hasani Bookstore and Syarikat Adam. 

SubhanAllah. So beautiful the Kalam of Allah. It's even more beautiful if being read, not being displayed.

Actually, Al-Quran is the best source of knowledge. Science, history, arts. All of these are available in Al-Quran.

Allah had gave us Al-Quran as our guidance. Indeed, we are poor that we don't know how to appreciate what Allah has given. We are not aware that Allah is watching us. Wouldn't Prophet Muhammad S.A.W get sad when he sees his ummah is not reading Al-Quran. 

This is a reminder to you guys and also for myself. Keep reading Al-Quran until we taste its sweetness. We can start with practise reading a page of Al-Quran everytime we finish performing shalah. May Allah counts this doings to let us enter the Jannah. Women of Jannah. In Sha Allah ^.^

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