Tuesday 10 November 2015


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

Hye my pretty girls! Seems familiar with the title,huh? Common~ Everyone knows what ikhtilat is. But, trust me. Only small number of us that really apply their knowledge about ikhtilat. Are we a part from that small number?

Question. Can a girl shake hands with a boy? If you say can't, why? So, this is what we call ikhtilat. The limit between female and male.

Why there's a limit between boys and girls? Imagine, if a girl is free to mix with boys, don't you think she's exposed to zina? MasyaAllah. That's why Allah create ikhtilat. It's for our own sake.

In order to keep the ikhtilat, there are some ways you could practise.
  1. Lower your gaze when looking at ajnabis.
  2. Cover your aurah. Do not wear eye-catching clothes.
  3. Keep the distance between you and ajnabi. If you have something important to talk to ajnabi, always make sure not to sit or stand too close.
  4. Only talk about important things with the ajnabi. 
  5. Avoid meeting in dark place. This can cause fitnah.

There's sweetness practising ikhtilat. You may won't get it now, later. In akhirah. :)

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