Wednesday 11 November 2015


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

!!??&!(*@&*!. STOP. Is cursing the best way to let out your anger? Be patient. Zikr. Astaghfirullah. Patience is a part of Iman.

There must be once in our life when we felt like we wanna die. We felt like we couldn't face it anymore. We felt like there's no way to escape but die. Then we ask,why Allah put me in this situation? Why me? Doesn't he loves me? He's not fair! Astaghfirullah. Be patient, dear. Allah's with you. 

 Life might not be going the way you want, but trust me. It's way better than what you actually want. Why? Because Allah had arrange it perfectly.

It needs practises to gain patience. If you're a type who curse a lot. CHANGE. Cursing will only add sins to your account. Change it to zikr. Say the praises to Allah. Ask Allah to ease your situation. He's The BEST Listener. Try.

If you still can't get rid your anger, take wudhu'. Ablutions will gives you 'nur' in Akhirah. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W will recognise us as his ummah since our face is lighten up by nur.

Learn to be patient. Be kind to all. Love all hate none. Bye :)


Assalamualikum, Peace be upon you.

Any bookworms here? I am. Ceyyyy. Not really. I hate books truthfully. I love gaining knowledge by hearing lectures. Everyone with their own education style. 

So today I wanted to continue the #Henshin steps. Based on the title I guess you guys know what i'm going to talk about. Yupp. Al-Quran.

p/s: the photo above is the rainbow Al-Quran. It's designed for girls. You can get it at bookshop like Hasani Bookstore and Syarikat Adam. 

SubhanAllah. So beautiful the Kalam of Allah. It's even more beautiful if being read, not being displayed.

Actually, Al-Quran is the best source of knowledge. Science, history, arts. All of these are available in Al-Quran.

Allah had gave us Al-Quran as our guidance. Indeed, we are poor that we don't know how to appreciate what Allah has given. We are not aware that Allah is watching us. Wouldn't Prophet Muhammad S.A.W get sad when he sees his ummah is not reading Al-Quran. 

This is a reminder to you guys and also for myself. Keep reading Al-Quran until we taste its sweetness. We can start with practise reading a page of Al-Quran everytime we finish performing shalah. May Allah counts this doings to let us enter the Jannah. Women of Jannah. In Sha Allah ^.^

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

FRIENDS. They are the ones who are with us during our ups and downs. All of us have friends. Why do we need them? Why should we treat them nicely? Cause Allah had chose them to accompany us. How bad they are, we shoud appreciate. They are the chosen one. 

 Truthfully, to me friends are like the one stated in the photo below.

 Love your friends as much as you can. We might have thousands of friends but only one of them is the real one. Sometimes we might fight we our friend. Maybe caused by a small conflict. Its good to apologise first even if it's not your fault.

 You have no right to talk bad things about your friends. Always remember that they're reflections of yourself. If you noticed they're wrongdoings, advice them and take a look a yourself. Maybe they were affected by you.

Appreciate them. They come once in life. Be a good friend to a good friend. Ukhuwah Fillah! 


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

Hye my pretty girls! Seems familiar with the title,huh? Common~ Everyone knows what ikhtilat is. But, trust me. Only small number of us that really apply their knowledge about ikhtilat. Are we a part from that small number?

Question. Can a girl shake hands with a boy? If you say can't, why? So, this is what we call ikhtilat. The limit between female and male.

Why there's a limit between boys and girls? Imagine, if a girl is free to mix with boys, don't you think she's exposed to zina? MasyaAllah. That's why Allah create ikhtilat. It's for our own sake.

In order to keep the ikhtilat, there are some ways you could practise.
  1. Lower your gaze when looking at ajnabis.
  2. Cover your aurah. Do not wear eye-catching clothes.
  3. Keep the distance between you and ajnabi. If you have something important to talk to ajnabi, always make sure not to sit or stand too close.
  4. Only talk about important things with the ajnabi. 
  5. Avoid meeting in dark place. This can cause fitnah.

There's sweetness practising ikhtilat. You may won't get it now, later. In akhirah. :)

Saturday 7 November 2015


Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon you.

Hey, pretty muslimahs! How's your #Henshin? Is your shalah improving? So today i'm sharing another tips to Henshin. It's covering your AURAH.

Actually, what's the purpose of covering our aurah? why should we? In the sight of Islam, by covering our aurah, we could protect ourselves from bad things like zina and fitnah. It's also Allah's command, so we MUST obey.

How to cover aurah? What do we need to cover? Our aurah is from the head to toe. We can only expose our face and palms.

Take a look at how we dressed now. It is wearable at the sight of Islam. Ask yourself. Allah will never change us if we don't change ourselves. 

Nowadays, most of the teenage girls declare themselves as a muslimah but doesn't wear like a muslimah. They wanted to look great then they put aside the command of Allah. 

Look dear. Doesn't people who wears long and wide scarf looks pretty? Doesn't people who wear loose clothes looks stylish? Then why should we wear short scarf and tight clothes?

Hope this tips helps. Let's be better than yesterday. Strive towards #Henshin! ^-^